Liu Jiaqiang

Joint Second Prize
Entry in Chinese

Liu Jiaqiang, an MA graduate in Art and New Media from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, was nominated for the Zhang Xiaogang Art Scholarship in 2013. He took a special interest in social participatory art, exploring the relationship between social change and revolution in art. Recently he has been researching residential planning needs and implementation, at the same time as preparing his candidature for an Exhibition Research PhD at the China Academy of Art.

Liu has worked as an editor and as deputy director for new media for and Art Absolute magazine. He collaborated on The 11th Shanghai Biennale’s City Project exhibition, Grain God Narrative, assisting with planning and documentation, and helped edit the exhibited documents of the Taiwanese architect, Xie Yingjun. In 2017 he launched his own local art practice, Action in the Stagnation Zone, on the margins of the community.



刘加强,毕业于四川美术学院,曾入围张晓刚创作奖学金 ( 2013 ),2005-2015 年分别获得综合艺术/新媒体艺术专业学士学位与硕士学位;致力于探讨参与性艺术的议题, 考察社会思想变革与艺术变革的关系,从事驻地计划相关的策划研究与实践;目前正为申请中国美术学院展览研究博士学位做准备。

曾任职《艺术国际》 ( Art ) 与《绝对艺术》 ( Art Absolute ) 杂志的编辑与新媒体副总监;2016 年作为第十一届上海双年展城市馆斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心的《谷神变》 展览的协作人,协助并纪录展览策划过程,完成台湾建筑师谢英俊个案文献展示的编辑制作;2017 年在社区边缘发起在地实践《阈域& 弃地之歌》。