Allie Linn

Allie Linn is a Baltimore-based artist, writer and curator. In 2014, Linn co-founded Bb, a collaborative storefront project space in the Bromo Arts District of Baltimore, hosting exhibitions, screenings, free dinners, lectures and workshops. Bb received a Grit Fund through the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Regional Regranting Program in 2015, and has been highlighted in Art F City, AQNB and BmoreArt. Linn has attended residencies at Mildred’s Lane, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts and Grin City Collective. She is currently pursuing an MFA in Curatorial Practice at the Maryland Institute College of Art, where she has recently been named a Graduate Curatorial Fellow and a Meyerhoff Fellow.


艾莉·林耐是一位现居美国巴尔的摩的艺术家、作家兼策展人。2014 年,她在巴尔的摩婆罗摩艺术区与他人联手打造Bb 艺术项目空间,举办各类展览、放映会、免费餐会、讲座与工作坊。该项目空间曾获得2015 年度安迪·沃霍尔基金会“地区性视觉艺术再度批核项目”的相关资助,同时亦被Art F City、AQNB、BmoreArt 等艺术媒体报道。艾莉参与过米尔得雷德小镇、黑斯达克山工艺美术学院及微笑城合作社等地的艺术家驻留项目。她目前正在马里兰艺术学院攻读与“策展实践”相关的艺术创作硕士学位,近期刚取得“研究生兼策展人”头衔并获得“迈尔霍夫助学金”。