Orit Gat

Orit Gat is a writer living in New York, whose work on contemporary art and digital culture has appeared in a variety of magazines, including literary publications such as The White Review ( where she is a contributing editor ) and The Times Literary Supplement; art magazines such as Frieze and ArtReview; and general interest publications such as the World Policy Journal and VICE Magazine. She was a winner of the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant and was a finalist for the Absolut Art Writing Award. Gat teaches and lectures on art and technology in a variety of universities and art institutions around the world. She is an editor of art-agenda.


奥里特·加特是生活在纽约的撰稿人。她的文章关注当代艺术与数字文化,散见于文学刊物The White Review ( 她也是这本杂志的特约编辑) 与The Times Literary Supplement ,艺术杂志Frieze 与ArtReview ,以及大众文化媒体The World Policy Journal 与VICE 。她是沃霍尔基金会“艺术写作奖”的获得者,也曾入围“绝对艺术写作奖”的决选名单。加特在世界范围内的大学和艺术机构任教,也是Art Agenda 的编辑。