Amy Zion

Amy Zion is a writer and curator from Edmonton, Canada, living in New York City. She is a part-time faculty member at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College. Zion is a regular contributor to magazines, including Frieze and Modern Painters, where she serves as a New York correspondent. She has also published writing and criticism in Art Journal, Flash Art, Art Agenda and Momus. She has contributed to exhibition catalogues for international museums such as The New Museum ( NYC ), Villa Stuck ( Munich ), Heidelberger Kunstverein, the Rubell Family Collection ( Miami ) and the Hessel Museum of Art ( Annandale-on-Hudson, NY ). From 2007 to 2015, Zion was Associate Editor of Filip, a periodical for long-format art criticism, published in Vancouver, Canada.

 As a curator, Zion has worked on countless exhibitions internationally, including the Danish Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale and Tell It To My Heart: Collected by Julie Ault at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel ( and tour ). She is co-organiser of Frieze Talks, New York ( 2018 – 19 ). In 2018, Zion was awarded a curatorial research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.


艾米·锡安是一位来自加拿大埃德蒙德的作家和策展人, 目前生活在纽约。自2016 年秋天以来,她在巴德学院的策展研究中心担任兼职教员。她还是包括Frieze 和《当代画家》在内多本杂志的长期撰稿人和驻纽约记者。她的写作与评论文章还发表于《艺术期刊》、Flash Art 、《艺术通讯》和 等。她参与了新美术馆(纽约)、斯托克别墅博物馆(慕尼黑)、海德堡市艺术协会美术馆、卢贝尔家族收藏基金(迈阿密)以及赫塞尔美术馆(纽约哈德逊河畔安南戴尔)等国际艺术博物馆的展览画册工作。在2007 至2015 年, 锡安曾担任Fillip 的副主编,这是一本在加拿大温哥华出版的期刊,专注呈现长篇的艺术评论文章。

作为策展人,锡安参与过众多国际性的展览。曾担任第五十六届威尼斯双年展丹麦馆的助理策展人,也曾担任在巴塞尔当代艺术博物馆举办的“向我的心诉说—朱莉·奥尔特的收藏”展览的联合策展人(后巡展至里斯本文化会馆以及纽约的艺术家空间)。她也是“Frieze 对谈”系列的联合组织者(纽约,2018—2019 年)。在2018 年,她获得了加拿大文化艺术理事会颁发的策展研究类奖项。