Li Suchao is an independent art writer, critic and translator, who currently lives and works in Shanghai. She graduated at Christie’s Education, London, and went on to take an MA in History of Art at the University of Glasgow. She has published a large number of critical reviews, artists’ profiles, interviews and essays in various art publications and on different platforms, such as Leap, ArtCo China, and Arthub Asia. She also works as a translator for art institutions and events. Her writings cover a wide range of subjects connected with contemporary art – particularly the relationships between art and social politics, and art and collective and individual experiences.

毕业于格拉斯哥大学伦敦佳士得学院,获艺术史硕士学位。现工作生活于上海,是一名艺术写作者、编辑、译者,其文章发表于《艺术界》《典藏》、Artforum中文网、Arthub Asia、《艺术中国》等艺术媒体平台,同时为艺术刊物、机构及活动担任翻译。她的写作含括广泛的与当代艺术相关的议题,尤其感兴趣于对艺术与社会政治、与集体和个体经验的关系的探索。