Rahel Aima is a writer, editor and critic from Dubai who is currently based in Brooklyn. She is a contributing editor at Momus, an editorial correspondent at Art Review Asia and Special Projects editor at New Inquiry. Her criticism has appeared in 4 Columns, Artforum, Art in America, Artnet, Artnews, Art Review, Bookforum, Bidoun, Frieze, Harper’s Bazaar Art Arabia, LEAP, L’Officiel Art, Mousse and Vogue Arabia, among many others, as well as in several exhibition texts and catalogues. She is working on a book about colour and futurity, and a collection of exhibition fiction, and is a recipient of the 2018 Arts Writers Grant.

拉埃尔客艾玛,是一位来自迪拜的写作者、编辑及评论人,现生活、工作于布鲁克林。艾玛在Momus任特约编辑,也担任《艺术评论》的编辑记者及New Inquiry的特殊项目编辑。她的评论文章散见于4 ColumnsARTFORUM艺术论坛、Art in AmericaArtnetArtnews、《艺术评论》、 BookforumBidoun、《弗利兹》、Harper’s Bazaar Art Arabia、《艺术界》、 L’Officiel ArtMousse and Vogue Arabia等中外艺术刊物,及一些展览文字和画册。她正在写一本关于颜色和未来的书以及一本展览小说集,同时,她也是2018年艺术作家资助项目的获得者。