Hao Hu

Hao Hu( born 1990, Zhucheng, Shandong ) is an art and photography critic, living and working in Beijing. He received his BA in Philosophy at the School of Philosophy in Beijing’s Renmin University of China in 2013 and is currently a graduate student in Western aesthetics there. His work has appeared in various magazines and websites, including Chinese Photography, China Photo Press, www.zhoukan.cc, www.qq.com and www.xitek.com.


1990年出生于山东诸城。摄影及艺术批评作者。2013年获得中国人民大学哲学院哲学学士学位,现为中国人民大学哲学院美学( 西方美学方向 )硕士研究生,目前工作生活在北京。他的文章主要发表在:《中国摄影》《中国摄影报》《假杂志》《文艺生活周刊》及腾讯图片、腾讯“谷雨计划”、色影无忌、图虫“读立丨摄影研究”等刊物或网站。