Hutch Wilco
Hutch Wilco was born in Auckland and studied Visual Art, Art History and Philosophy at Auckland University of Technology. From 1998 he worked for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, where he managed the redevelopment of the Pacific galleries and the implementation of the contemporary art gallery. During his time there, he toured exhibitions nationally and internationally, to Australia, Japan, the UK and the USA; from 2013 he was the senior project manager for exhibitions and managed all incoming touring exhibitions as well. Wilco’s numerous extramural projects during his period at the Museum included the redevelopment of the Canterbury Museum, and the official New Zealand participation at the Venice Biennale ( 2009, 2011 and 2013 ). For the 2015 Venice Biennale, he was the exhibition coordinator for four parallel events, including a Pan–Arab collateral and the Pavilion for the Republic of San Marino. In 2016 Wilco relocated to Shanghai to take up the role of director and curator at Cospace, where, among other projects, he is currently curating a seven-part exhibition addressing global issues such as climate change, peak oil and resource depletion.
自从1998年起,魏皓啟就职于新西兰国家博物馆。任职18年来,他负责和参与了众多的国内和国际巡回展览,如2006年的《从塞尚到毕加索-纽约朱利安和乔茜罗伯森收藏展》;2007 年与东京国家博物馆合作的《Mauri Ora-新西兰蒂帕帕国家博物馆珍品展》;2009 年与墨尔本博物馆合作的《庞贝一日》; 2011 年与伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆合作的《揭幕-200 年婚庆风尚展》;2012 年与中华艺术宫( 原上海美术馆 )合作的《来自世界的祝贺-国际美术珍品展》和与墨尔本澳大利亚活动影像中心合作的《游戏大师》等。同时,他还负责日常管理太平洋艺术展区的重建和当代艺术展区的执行工作。自2013 年起,他作为高级展览项目经理,管理了所有新西兰国家博物馆合作过的巡回展览,包括2014 年与中国国家博物馆合作的《中国国家博物馆珍藏展》、同年的《暴龙-回归家族》、2015 年的《梦工厂动画:从手稿到屏幕的征程》等。
在为新西兰国家博物馆服务期间,魏皓啟也与大量外部项目合作,包括坎特伯雷博物馆的重建工作,和从2009年开始至2013年的三届威尼斯双年展新西兰官方国家馆工作。在2015 年的威尼斯双年展中,他承担了四个平行展的展览协调人,包括一个泛阿拉伯地区的平行展。此外,他还参与了该届威尼斯双年展圣马力诺官方国家馆的展览工作。
2016 年,魏皓啟搬到了上海,目前作为艺术总监和策展人供职于上海可艺术空间。在该空间所有其他艺术项目的管理和执行工作中,他正在策划一个关于全球议题,如气候变化、石油峰值危机和能源损耗的,具有七个系列章节的展览项目。